Market Report 30 January 2024

30th Jan 2024

Cattle – 1333

Quality and weight improved at Inverell with 1333 head penned. There was significant demand for heavy feeders both steers and heifers with an emphasis on those categories to go on to a sixty day program for MSA qualification. The regular exporters feeders and backgrounders attended to a significant rise in market trends. Weaner steers and heifers took on dearer trends to restockers at 416c/kg the steers and an average of 321c/kg for heifers. Light yearling steers to backgrounders were much dearer 300c to 398c/kg and the feeder drafts up to 17c/kg better. Medium weight feeder steers were 9c/kg better to top at 377c/kg. Heavy feeders over 480kgs were 16c/kg dearer and sold to 328c/kg. Similar weights to process sold to 321c/kg. Plain drafts of light yearling heifers saw a negative correction of 5c/kg selling 316c to 336c/kg. Medium weights were dearer up 13c/kg and the heavy weights over 480kgs were substantially dearer at 319c/kg. Limited drafts of grown steers and heifers both sold to a dearer trend. All cows saw a dearer trends up to 29c/kg for the medium weights. The heavy cows from 10c to 20c/kg dearer and they topped at 283c/kg. Heavy bulls slightly dearer to top at 290c/kg.

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